If you’re applying to Creative Victoria for funding, please note the following information for the payment of grants.
ABN registration
As a rule, if you haven’t provided Creative Victoria with your ABN, we are required to deduct withholding tax at the top marginal personal income tax rate of 46.5%.
Tax invoices
If your grant application is successful, you must issue Creative Victoria with a valid invoice in accordance with Australian Taxation Office requirements before the grant can be paid.
If you don’t normally generate your own invoices, you can choose to use one of the following templates:
Invoice templates (accessible)
Paying tax
Grants paid by Creative Victoria may be considered part of your income in a financial year and may therefore be subject to tax. You must determine your own taxation responsibilities.
For more information about tax please refer to the Australian Tax Office website.
If your proposed activity will use copyrighted material, it’s your responsibility to provide all the necessary information on copyright clearances and permissions in your application.
Further information on copyright is available from The Australian Copyright Council website and on Privacy, Freedom of Information and Copyright.