Each program has specific eligibility requirements, so it’s important to read the relevant program information carefully before submitting your application. Check general eligibility for individuals, organisation and other criteria.
Unless otherwise specified, you’re eligible for Creative Victoria funding as an individual if you’re:
- an Australian citizen currently residing in Victoria; or
- a Permanent Resident (holding an appropriate visa) who has resided in Victoria for at least two years immediately prior to the date of your application
- under 18 years of age and applying through an auspicing body.
- To be eligible to receive Creative Victoria funding, your organisation must be legally constituted*. If you organisation isn’t legally constituted, you can apply for some funding programs through an auspicing body
- Groups of individuals who join informally to collaborate to, develop or present their work can apply for some funding programs. However, you must nominate either an individual or an auspicing body to sign the funding agreement and take legal and financial responsibility for the grant.
* Legally constituted is an organisation that has been created by law (for example, university or government statutory authority) or registered under law (for example, incorporated association, company limited by guarantee, Pty Ltd company or Aboriginal Corporation). Organisations may range in size from large arts companies to small community bodies.
Non-government organisations
- The Betrayal of Trust Report found that survivors of institutional child abuse were sometimes unable to identify an appropriate legal entity to sue. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse recommended that governments consider requiring organisations they fund to be insured against child abuse
- From 1 July 2019, where Victorian Government funding will support the care, education, services or activities for children (under 18 years), it’s a whole of government requirement that the funding recipient is:
- a separate legal entity that can be sued in its own right in child abuse proceedings; and
- appropriately insured against child abuse.
This requirement will improve the ability of child abuse survivors to bring a legal claim for compensation and ensure that successful claims can be paid.
Please note: These requirements may not be applicable to all recipients. Please speak to program staff if you have any questions or concerns about this requirement.
For further information please visit the Department of Justice and Community Safety website or contact us.
General application eligibility
An application will be ineligible if it:
- is submitted late or received outside of the published funding round dates
- is submitted by an applicant who has failed to acquit previous Creative Victoria funding
- is incomplete and fails to meet the requirements of the program
- relates to activity that has already taken place or will occur prior to the eligible starting date
- claims Indigenous content and doesn’t provide relevant confirmation letters or follow appropriate Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander protocols.
Program-specific eligibility
- Each program has specific eligibility requirements, so it’s important that you read the relevant section of the Creative Victoria website carefully and obtain a copy of the relevant program information and guidelines before submitting your application.