
Why use it?

This template includes key information that you should provide to people when posting a notice of your observation or when you require consent from people participating in your observational research.

When to obtain consent versus posting a notice

Consider erecting a sign at the entry when observation techniques and recording equipment are used in a public place and no identifiable research information is collected.

For observation that does collect identifiable research information – or when you’re working with children, young people or vulnerable groups – consider obtaining written consent.

Before choosing your approach, check out the get consent from your research participants resource for more information.

Observation notice

A notice for your observation should include three points:

  • Let people know what’s going on
  • Provide some information about the research
  • Indicate who to speak to if they have any questions.
  • E.g. ‘An observation is taking place for research purposes to help [insert organisation] understand [insert what it is you’re trying to know more about]. If you would like to hear more about our work or have any questions, please see [insert who to speak to, e.g. box office staff, information desk staff, a gallery team member].

Observation consent form

We are asking for (please select):

  • Your consent
  • Your consent on behalf of ………………………………………………………(name)

to participate in important research to help the [insert organisation] understand [insert what it is you’re trying to know more about].

[Insert organisation or the name of the consultant or academic] is currently conducting this research. Part of the research is to observe what happens in [insert location].

[insert who is conducting the observation] will conduct the observation.

The observer will be taking notes. These notes will be used by [insert organisation or the name of the consultant or academic] to analyse what is happening and what can be improved.

If you have any questions about this research, [the observer] is here and is happy to speak with you now. Alternatively, you can contact [insert name, role and contact details].

We will not be recording any images or video as part of this research, and all results will be anonymous.

Name of consent giver: ……………………………………………

Consent giver’s signature: ………………………………………

Date: …………………………………………………………………………

Name/s of participant/s (if different to consent giver above): ………………………………………………………………………………