Why use it?
This template includes key information that you should provide to get consent from people participating in your research interviews or focus groups. Before you use this template, check out the getting consent guide for more information.
Interview/Focus group consent form
I ….............................................................(name), being over the age of 18 years, hereby consent to participate as requested in the [focus group/interview] for the research project held on …………………………………… (date).
- Details of the focus group have been explained to my satisfaction.
- I agree to audio recording of my information and participation.
- I understand that:
- I may not directly benefit from taking part in this research.
- I am free to withdraw from the project at any time and am free to decline to answer particular questions.
- While the information gained in this study will be published as explained, I will not be identified and individual information will remain confidential.
- Whether I participate or not, or withdraw after participating, will have no effect on any treatment or service that is being provided to me.
- I may ask that the recording/observation be stopped at any time, and that I may withdraw at any time from the session or the research without disadvantage.
- I understand that I can contact either the researcher or [insert organisation] with questions about this research via the contact details below.
Name, Role – Organisation
Email and phone number
Name, Role – Organisation
Email and phone number
Participant’s signature: ………………………………………
Date: ……………………………………………………………………
Date of birth: ………………………………………………………