The first principle of the Victorian Government’s Creative State 2025 strategy is ‘First Peoples first’. Creative Victoria is committed to strengthening First Peoples participation across Victoria’s creative industries.
To maximise opportunities and representation for First Peoples across Victoria’s cultural sector, each Creative Victoria grant program has a dedicated First Peoples stream. First Peoples streams are open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in Victoria.
First Peoples-led applications can nominate to go through the General, Deaf and Disabled (if eligible), or First Peoples streams. Applicants who are eligible for multiple streams should consider which panel they believe would be best suited to assess their application.
First Peoples funding streams
Grant applications led by Victorian First Peoples creatives, creative entities, groups, organisations, and collectives can choose to go through the First Peoples stream. First Peoples stream applications are assessed in alignment with Aboriginal self-determination principles by a panel of First Peoples creative industries peers.
The term ‘First Peoples-led’ applies to the individual creative practitioners, organisational staff, and/or collective members. This does not include First Peoples advisory committees, governing boards, or similar bodies.
There is no specific requirement for how many members of the collective need to be First Peoples for an application to be First Peoples-led. This can differ depending on the nature of the activity. We understand that First Peoples-led collectives may have non-First Peoples members and collaborators.
The applicant must demonstrate that the activity is First Peoples-led. When determining which stream to apply for, applicants should consider which type of peer expertise is best equipped to assess their application.
First Peoples Stream Assessment process
Across all of our programs, applications submitted to the First Peoples Stream undergo the following assessment process:
- Creative Victoria program staff complete application eligibility checks.
- Eligible applications are assessed by a panel of First Peoples creative industry peers from a variety of creative disciplines. The panel assess applications against the grant program aims and priorities and the program’s equally weighted assessment criteria.
- Once assessed by peers, Creative Victoria program staff complete due diligence checks of recommended applications.
- Findings and recommendations from steps 1, 2 and 3 may be moderated by Creative Victoria to develop a final list of recommendations.
- The final list of recommendations is subject to approval by the Minister for Creative Industries.
- Applicants are advised in writing via email of the outcome of their application. Notification timelines vary, and are listed on each program's webpage.
Contacts and further information
The First Peoples Grants team is available to support First Peoples creatives with their applications. For further information, please contact the First Peoples Grants team on
First Peoples Cultural Protocol
Any activity funded by Creative Victoria must follow cultural protocols. Cultural protocols are responsible, ethical, and respectful ways of engaging with First Peoples communities and cultural and intellectual property. They are based on First Peoples cultural values and can vary across communities.
All First Peoples Stream applications undergo a Cultural Protocol Review. However, some applications to the General and Deaf and Disabled streams may still contain:
- Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP)
- Collaboration with a First Peoples creative practitioner
- Engagement with First Peoples communities or community members
All eligible applications that contain ICIP and/or First Peoples engagement may undergo a Cultural Protocol Review.
Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP)
ICIP may refer to artistic work, stories, languages, tangible and intangible cultural property, and contemporary and historical records. Please refer to the Arts Law ICIP Information Sheet for more detailed information.
Applicants must follow correct protocols when working with First Peoples artists, activities, and/or communities. Please refer to Creative Australia’s (previously Australia Council) Protocols For Using First Nations Cultural and Intellectual Property In The Arts. In particular, the project checklist (pages 168 to 172) can be used as a resource to guide considerations when engaging with ICIP, creatives and cultural heritage.
Appropriate documentation must be submitted if applicants propose to work with First Peoples stories/cultural material that are not their own. This requirement protects First Peoples arts practice from misappropriation, moral and copyright infringement.
Relevant documentation may include:
- Letters of confirmation from the First Peoples community member/s or group/s the applicants are working with.
- Protocols applicants will put in place to ensure cultural safety.
- A First Peoples budget line detailing the funding amount allocated for First Peoples collaboration or engagement.
- Cultural safety protocol strategies.
- First Peoples community engagement plans.
First Peoples Cultural Protocol Review process
Applications in General and Deaf and Disabled streams that contain First Peoples activity may go through the Cultural Protocol Review process.
Applications are reviewed by a First Peoples panel of creative industries peers.
Cultural Protocol Review panels consider:
- Whether the use of cultural knowledge in the proposed ideas, concepts, research/experimentation, creative output, or presentation is appropriate, and whether the creative practitioner(s) or organisation has relevant permission to use this.
- The validity and cultural appropriateness of activity that includes partnerships with or is targeted toward First Peoples community.
- The applicant’s experience and capacity in working with First Peoples community and whether any First Peoples creative practitioner fees or community consultation demonstrates best practice and appropriate cultural competencies.
The Cultural Protocol Review process only determines whether activity follows cultural protocol. It does not involve any assessment or scoring of applications against the program outcomes, eligibility, or assessment criteria.
If applications do not provide documentation to demonstrate cultural protocol, the activity will not be supported for funding.
Contacts and further information
The Artists and Creative Workers team is available to provide guidance to General and Deaf and Disabled stream applicants. For further information, please contact the Artists and Creative Workers team on
The First Peoples Grants team is available to support First Peoples creatives with their applications. For further information, please contact the First Peoples Grants team on