On submission of this agreement, you agree to be guided by the following code of conduct at all times in the performance of the tasks associated with membership of Creative Victoria Advisory Panels.
- Members will perform their duties impartially, uninfluenced by fear or favour, and will be frank and honest in their official dealings with their colleagues and the public. This includes:
- An obligation that they consider without prejudice all applications before them and not perform an advocacy function for particular artforms, companies, or individuals;
- The commitment to apply their expertise and professional skills and show respect for all artform practices, whether or not it is in their area of specialisation, in order to make the necessary recommendation about each application.
- Members will avoid situations in which their private interests, whether pecuniary or otherwise, might reasonably be thought to conflict with their public duty.
- Members cannot sit on a Panel that directly assesses an application that they have made or are named in. Conflicts of interest must be declared prior to any assessment taking place.
- Members must not copy, distribute all or any part of applications they receive in the course of sitting on a panel. It is mandatory that all panel reading material must be returned to Creative Victoria at the end of the Advisory Panel meeting for secure disposal.
- Members will not use or disseminate information obtained in the course of their official duties to gain a pecuniary or other advantage for themselves or for any other person, entity, organisation or legal entity.
- Members will not divulge information obtained from applications under any circumstances. Applications and the details contained therein (financial statements, business plans, artistic ideas or programs, referees' reports) are strictly confidential.
- Members should not discuss specific applications with applicants after the assessment. Members should refer applicants to arts officers for advice and/or feedback.
- Should any member be aware of an actual or potential conflict of interest arising in relation to any matter to be considered by the Panel, that member should immediately declare that interest in the first instance to the Program Manager, and in the second instance of the Panel Meeting, to the Chair; and the following options will be put to the Panel by the Chair:
- That the member withdraws from any discussion in relation to that matter and takes no part in the preparation of advice on the matter;
- That the member does not vote on the matter; and
- That the member stand down from assessment and attendance at the respective panel meeting.
- Members will not:
- Solicit or accept any benefit, advantage or promise of future advantage whether for themselves, their immediate family or any business concern or Trust with which they are associated from persons who are in, or seek to be in, any contractual or special relationship with the Government;
- Except as may be permitted under the rules and conventions approved by Creative Victoria, accept any gift, hospitality or concessional travel offered in connection with the discharge of the duties.
- Preparation: Peers will ensure that they undertake adequate preparation for the round, including gaining a familiarity with, and applying their professional judgement to, all applications before the panel prior to the date on which the Committee convenes for decision-making.
- Attendance: Except in the instances described in Item 8 above, or in the case of unavoidable difficulties arising, peers will ensure that they are present at all times during the sitting of an advisory panel. Where a member has not attended two consecutive meetings of an advisory panel without substantial reason, the member may be replaced.
- Termination: The following grounds for termination apply to all appointments to Government boards and committees: i. Breach of, or non-compliance with, a condition of appointment;
ii. failure to carry out the duties of the office satisfactorily;
iii. Dishonourable conduct;
iv. neglect of duty;
v. mental or physical incapacity to carry out the duties of the office; or
vi. Any other reason considered sufficient by the Minister. - Resignation: If a member wishes to resign prior to the conclusion of the appointed term, a letter advising reasons should be forwarded to the arts officer giving, if possible, a minimum of two months' notice.
Please complete and submit the form below to confirm that you agree with the Code of Conduct.