Uncovering Talent ($5,000) supports musicians, artists and music industry workers who have not received Creative Victoria funding before* to undertake creative projects and professional development opportunities, including:

  • song writing
  • recording
  • Releasing new music
  • mentorship and professional development
  • marketing

*Except for direct recipients of grants from the following COVID support programs: Sustaining Creative Workers Initiative, Creative Workers Fund, Victorian Music Industry Recovery Program, Live Music Venues Support Program.

Key dates

Round opens: Thursday, 16 January 2025

Round closes:

General Stream applications - 3pm, Thursday, 13 February 2025

First Peoples and Deaf and Disabled Stream applications – 3pm, Thursday, 20th February 2025

For activity from 1 July 2025.

Application Streams
  • First Peoples creatives stream
    Applications led by Victorian First Peoples creatives or First Peoples led collectives/micro to small organisations can choose to be assessed in alignment with Aboriginal self-determination by an assessment panel of First Peoples music industry peers.
  • Deaf and Disabled creatives stream
    Applications led by Victorian Deaf and Disabled creatives or collectives/micro to small organisations can choose to be assessed by a mixed panel of music industry peers with lived experience of deafness and disability.
  • General stream
    All other applications will be assessed by music industry peers across a diverse range of genres and experience.

Please note: 

  • If your application is in the Deaf and Disabled stream or the General stream and includes First Peoples activities, it may be reviewed by a Cultural Protocol Review panel composed of First Peoples professionals from the creative industries. Your application must demonstrate adherence to cultural protocols to receive support. For guidance on how to demonstrate cultural protocols, please refer to the program guidelines.
  • If you are eligible to apply to more than one stream (for example, First Peoples and Deaf and Disabled), you must choose one panel to assess your application, so please consider which panel you would prefer or speak to program staff.
Funding available

Individuals or groups/organisations can apply for a fixed grant of $5,000.

Accessibility costs

    • All applicants are encouraged to include accessibility costs within their project budgets that make activities accessible to a Deaf and Disabled audience (e.g., Auslan, captioning, audio description, materials in other formats).
    • Deaf and Disabled applicants applying to the Deaf and Disabled creatives stream may apply for the fixed $5,000 grant, plus up to $1,500 to cover any specific accessibility costs that will help remove barriers in the project. These additional funds can only be used for access initiative costs and cannot be repurposed for general project costs.
Am I eligible?

    You are eligible to apply if you:

    • are a Victorian-based individual, collective/group, or micro to small organisation.
    • have an active Australian Business Number (ABN)
    • If you don’t have an ABN, you can apply for one online or apply through an auspice body with an ABN.
    • have no overdue Creative Victoria (or former Arts Victoria) acquittals
    • have never received Creative Victoria funding before except for direct recipients of COVID support programs above.

    Depending on if you are applying as an individual, organisation or collective there are specific eligibility requirements in the program guidelines (which you can download below).

How can I apply?

Applications for this program are now open. You can use the Application Drafting Tool below to start drafting your application responses.

Music Works - Uncovering Talent applications are submitted via the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions Grants Portal.

You will need to determine which stream you are applying under.

  • First Peoples creatives stream: Click here to start your application
  • Deaf and Disabled creatives stream: Click here to start your application
  • General stream: Click here to start your application

If you wish to work on DRAFTS, or see your SAVED APPLICATIONS, please click here to return to the Grants Portal

Find general information on using the grants portal, including how to register and FAQ about the Portal.


  • Applicants can only submit one application for the 2025 round (including under auspice). Auspice bodies may apply on behalf of multiple applicants.
  • For the 2025 round applicants can only apply to Music Works 2025 or Creative Projects Fund 2025. Applicants cannot apply to both programs.
  • Applicants can only submit one application to either the Uncovering Talent OR the Projects focus area.
Who can I talk to?

Focus Area/Stream


First Peoples applicants (both focus areas)

Darcy Hytt


Deaf and Disabled applicants (both focus areas)

Emily Dutton


03 9623 1278

Uncovering Talent focus area

Alia Vryens

03 9623 1265

Haini Palu


03 9623 1115

For help with translations please call the Translating and Interpreting Service

Guidelines and tools