Practical guides
Arts Council Ireland, 2006, Artists ~ Schools - Towards Good Practice
Booth, E. (2009) The Music Teaching Artist's Bible: Becoming a Virtuoso Educator. New York. Oxford University Press
Creative Partnerships, Arts Council England. (2007) Building creative partnerships: A handbook for schools. United Kingdom
Larmer, J. Ross, D., Mergendoller, J. (2009) PBL Starter Kit. Buck Institute for Education, California. Project Based Learning Toolkit Series
Orfali, A. (2004) Artists working in partnerships with schools: Quality indicators and advice for planning, commissioning and delivery. UK. Arts Council England
Western Australia Dept of Culture and the Arts, Department of Education and Training. (2009) Artists in Schools - The ArtsEdge Guide for artists and teachers in Western Australia
Western Australia Dept of Culture and the Arts. (2007) Telling Tales: Western Australian Artists-in-Schools Partnerships. Western Australia Dept of Culture and the Arts
Creative Victoria
Research and evaluation
Bamford, A. (2006) The wow factor: Global research compendium on the impact of the arts in education. Berlin. Waxmann Verlag
Bryce, J., Mendelovits, J., Beavis, A., McQueen, J., & Adams, I. (2004) Evaluation of school-based arts education programmes in Australian schools. Melbourne. Australian Council for Educational Research
Deasy, R. (2002) Critical links: Learning in the arts and student academic and social development. Arts education partnerships. Washington, DC
Donelan, K., Irvine, C., Imms, W., Jeanneret, N. & O'Toole, J. (2009) Partnerships between schools and the professional arts sector. (Paper No. 19 June 2009) Melbourne. DEECD Arts and Education Partnerships
Ewing, R. (2010) The Arts and Australian Education: Realising potential. (PDF) Australian Education Review. No 58, Melbourne. Australian Council for Educational Research Press.
Hunter, MA. (2011) Artist In Residence Program Evaluation 2009 - 2010. Australia Council for the Arts (2011)
Imagine Australia. (2005) The Role of Creativity in the Innovation Economy. A paper prepared by an independent Working Group for the Prime Minister's Science Engineering and Innovation Council
Imms, W., Jeanneret, N, & Stevens-Ballenger, J. (2011) Partnerships between schools and the professional arts sector: Evaluation of impact on student outcomes. Melbourne. Arts Victoria
Mason, R.M. (1995) Contribution of professional artists to arts education in schools Australian Art Education, 18, 3: 19-24
National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education NACCCE. (1999) All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education Report to the Secretary of State for Education and Employment & the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. (2011) Reinvesting in arts education: Winning America's future through creative schools. Washington. D.C. President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
Also see Australia Council for the Arts - Resources
Curriculum links
Australian Curriculum. Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).