Don't forget your relationship…
While you are busy getting down to the nitty gritty of who, what and when - don't forget to devote time and energy to building your relationship with your partner. To support a satisfying and enjoyable partnership relationship, you may consider:
At an initial meeting, suggesting you each take five minutes to share what you are personally hoping to get from the project.
Don’t be afraid to discuss potentially tricky issues in advance with your partner. If you have prior agreement on things like student behaviour management, use of facilities and task sharing you are less likely to have problems later.
Be honest when things aren't working for you. Try to identify what the issue is and work with your partner to identify ways to resolve it.
Participate as much as you can. Don't assume your partner has all the expertise. Teachers can contribute creative ideas just as creatives can contribute ideas for learning.
Planning tools
Ready to get started?
You have a concept that everyone is excited about. You have a plan that feels solid. You have confidence in your partner and feel that you have the basis for a strong working relationship.
Now may be a good time to take a moment and check that you haven't forgotten anything.
Have you...
- Lined up the resources? Money, time, people…
- Organised a project coordinator (within the school) who has the mandate and time to organise project meetings and logistics?
- Ensured that the school principal understands and is supportive of the project?
- Ensured that the partners and students are on board with a concept they feel is strong, challenging and inspiring?
- Developed a plan for how to integrate the project into the curriculum, timetable and school priorities?
- Confirmed creative/s availability for the project duration?
- Made key staff at the school (and creative organisations) aware of the project, with appropriate staff invited to participate?
- Drawn up a detailed project plan which includes drivers, concept, a professional learning session, regular meetings, budget, curriculum plans, roles and responsibilities, timeline etc?
- Identified a realistic number of participants?
- Booked rooms and other working spaces
- Ensured appropriate police or working with children checks for creatives?
- Ensured creatives are covered by public liability (either their own, school's or creative organisation's)
- Introduced the creative/s to their new workplace - the staffroom, classrooms, toilets, protocols, people?
- Developed a project documentation and evaluation plan?