New EPA information for live music venues and events

02 September 2024

If you’re a live music venue or run outdoor entertainment events in Victoria, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) in collaboration with Creative Victoria, has recently updated its information on how to accurately assess noise levels.
close up of a mixing desk

As part of noise compliance regulations, all live music venues must adhere to noise limits as set out by the EPA. Traditionally, live music venues  have measured their noise levels in a noise sensitive area. This is typically a place such as outside a bedroom window of a home near the venue – typically where music noise is loudest.

But there are situations when this isn’t suitable, such as where access is difficult or there are other forms of noise interference, such as barking dogs, or music from another venue that could interfere with an accurate reading.

In these cases, the EPA allows the use of an Alternative Assessment Location (AAL) – a place where you can take a noise measurement that is not located in a noise sensitive area.

Using an Alternative Assessment Location can make it easier to take accurate measurements of the music noise specific to your venue

Engaging an acoustic consultant can also help measure and manage music noise levels.

Venue operators and event organisers are encouraged to review the new information from the EPA, which includes more details about measuring noise, using an AAL, case studies and more.

Find out more at Measuring music noise - alternative assessment locations | Environment Protection Authority Victoria (