Careers and frontiers: New education symposium for digital games

02 September 2024

Melbourne International Games Week (MIGW) will be bigger and better this year, with the Victorian Government backed event adding a free two-day education symposium that will highlight the incredible career opportunities on offer in the digital games industry.
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The new Games Education Symposium has been developed by the Victorian Government as a collaboration between MIGW and the Department of Education. It will be held on 3 and 4 October as part of MIGW 2024.

Taking place at Fed Square’s The Edge, day one of the symposium will focus on the secondary school sector with talks, panels and mentoring events aimed at teachers, career counsellors, students, parents or anyone wanting to find out more about pursuing a games career.

Day two at ACMI will invite the broader industry to engage with tertiary institutes to talk about growing the workforce and fostering the next generation of talent.

Both days will be jam-packed with talks and panels featuring local and international experts and will be a chance to network with local studios, tertiary providers and games leaders.

International speakers include UK games whiz George Osborne of UK Association of Interactive Entertainment and Dries Deryckere Director of Digital Arts and Entertainment at Belgium’s Howest University which is recognised as a global leader in games education.

Local speakers include the team from career pathways organisation Year13, experts from Australia’s biggest games studio Playside Studios and Massive Monster, creators of the game Cult of the Lamb, with more to be announced soon.

Digital games is a fast growing, global industry with lucrative and diverse career pathways on offer, and Victoria is Australia’s games heartlandwith more than half of the industry based across the state.

From VFX to animation, artificial intelligence, games design, music composition, screenwriting, programming and development, the education symposium will be a deep dive into the many options and pathways available for people looking for a career in digital games.

The free Games Education Symposium will take place on 3 and 4 October as part of the biggest games celebration in the Asia Pacific, MIGW. For more information about the symposium and MIGW, visit