The Working for Victoria initiative will create jobs in regional Victoria and protect gallery and museum collections.

20 jobseekers will be employed across 13 regional galleries and museums to assist with digitising collections and curation. The six-month roles ;will be advertised over the next week and offer hands-on experience to people in regional communities who have lost their job and are keen to pursue careers in the creative and cultural sector.
The Art Gallery of Ballarat is one of Australia’s oldest and largest regional art galleries and will recruit local jobseekers to work with specialist conservators, digital photographers and gallery staff to digitise thousands of artworks and historical objects.
Three workers will be employed in the Hamilton, Wangaratta and Bairnsdale regions to provide on-the-ground expertise to small community museums, from exhibition and collection management to professional development and digital promotion.
Two project managers will join the team at the Australian Museums and Galleries Association Victoria to support and coordinate the regional worker roles.
The program is a partnership between Working for Victoria and Creative Victoria and will be delivered in collaboration with the Australian Museums and Galleries Association Victoria.
Ararat Gallery TAMA, Benalla Art Gallery, Bendigo Art Gallery, Castlemaine Art Museum, Geelong Art Gallery, Hamilton Art Gallery, Horsham Regional Art Gallery, Latrobe Regional Gallery, Mildura Arts Centre, Shepparton Art Museum, Wangaratta Art Gallery and Warrnambool Art Gallery will also benefit from this program.
Since launching in April the ;Working for Victoria initiative has created more than 11,000 jobs.
For more information on these job opportunities go to, and to register for Working for Victoria go to