First Peoples-led Stream 

Chair and panel consist of members of First People peers with Creative Industries producing backgrounds.

Deaf and Disabled-led Stream


Fayen d’Evie – Artist, writer, publisher


Kath Duncan – Writer, director, visual artist and producer

Tom Middleditch – Artistic Director of A_tistic, writer/director/performer, neurodiversity and inclusion consultant

General Stream


Fayen d’Evie – Artist, writer, publisher


Asha Bee Abraham – Artist and creative producer

Kath Duncan – Writer, director, visual artist and producer

Steve Mayhew – General Manager, Punctum Inc.

Priya Pavri – Independent Curator

Ilana Russell – Creator, producer and researcher

In accordance with Creative Victoria’s Code of Conduct for panel members, members did not take part in the assessment of any applications where a conflict of interest was identified.