2023/24 recipients
3CR Community Radio, $19,150
To support the presentation of a series of darbuka (drum) and DJ workshops for aspiring musicians in the Middle Eastern, Southwest Asian, and North African communities, culminating in live performances and broadcasts.
Aarushi Chowdhury, $20,000
To support the production ofGullak, a short film showcasing the diverse experiences of the Indian diaspora.
Alan Stewart, $20,000
To develop and present a solo photography project aimed at capturing Victoria's diverse landscapes.
Alice Robinson, $20,000
To develop a historical fiction work,Walsh Street, exploring the lives of the women who lived and worked with modernist architect Robin Boyd.
Alta Collective, $17,275
To develop a choral version of Sarah Kirkland Snider's narrative song cycle Penelope, with presentations of the work in Melbourne and Warragul.
Alvin Darcy, $19,500
To develop two tandem artworks, titled Where Stone Meets Sky, referencing the geology of Leanganook/Mt Alexander area and the impacts of colonisation and climate change.
Anvil Productions, $18,000
To adapt the illustrated memoir Big Beautiful Female Theory by Eloise Grills into a play.
Anzara Clark, $19,903
To develop a collection of sustainable garments made from paper to be launched at Eco-Fashion Week Australia.
Art Access Victoria on behalf of Cigdem Serce, $22,400
To develop a new literary work SABA: Melody of Weeping Willows.
Astra, $20,000
To support Astra and Liquid Architecture to present a series of experimental sound art concerts with emerging sound artists, and the release of the archival website of the Clifton Hill Community Music Centre.
Auspicious Arts Projects on behalf of a collaboration between Cathy Henenberg, Lynn-Maree Milburn and Wendy Smith, $20,000
To develop and produce an experimental film.
Auspicious Arts Projects on behalf of Ahmarnya Price, $23,000
To present a solo multi-disciplinary performance work.
Auspicious Arts Projects on behalf of Amelia Jean O'Leary, $20,000
To develop and present Sad Eyes, a contemporary dance work.
Auspicious Arts Projects on behalf of D&M Art Projects (aka Douglas & Mackay), $20,000
To create an immersive art walk event along the Boolarra Rail Trail, bringing Gippsland communities together to engage in cross art-form workshops and collaborations led by artists, Traditional Owners and the broader community.
Auspicious Arts Projects on behalf of Harrison Ritchie-Jones, $20,000
To support a project that will see contemporary dancers coming together to develop and present new work.
Auspicious Arts Projects on behalf of Joel Bray Dance, $20,000
To support the development ofGag Order,a new dance theatre work featuring dancers from First Nations and diverse cultural backgrounds.
Auspicious Arts Projects on behalf of Michelle Heaven, $15,307
To support the research and development of a new movement-based performance work for children and families in collaboration with Victorian artists.
Auspicious Arts Projects on behalf of Mishka, $23,000
To develop a multi-media exhibition about de-stigmatising access needs, representing visible and invisible disabilities, and documenting and preserving disability culture.
Auspicious Arts Projects on behalf of The Candle Project, $20,000
To support the development and presentation of The Candle Project, a theatre work focusing on the experience of a Pakistani asylum seeker, co-created by Jennifer Vuletic, story subject Mehbub and dramaturg Sepideh Kian.
Auspicious Arts Projects on behalf of Tilman Robinson, $19,650
To support final development and presentation of an electro-acoustic musical performance developed in consultation with Victorian musicians experiencing hearing conditions.
Auspicious Arts Projects on behalf of Triage Live Art Collective, $20,000
To undertake creative development of Temple, an innovative, large-scale immersive performance piece, bringing together a team of artists in visual design, AR/VR, dance, music and text, supported by creative advisor Antony Hamilton of Chunky Move.
Autistic-led Regional Culture Arts Neurodiversity Education and Employment inc (ARCANE inc), $23,000
To support the Neurokin Festival, a regionally based, live and online neurodiversity arts festival showcasing Victorian arts and culture.
Bam Arts Inc, $20,333
To present a short film initiative where students with disabilities create and screen original works drawn from their lived experience.
Birdz, $20,000
To develop and produceFlying Home,a new full-length album.
Black Hole Theatre, $20,000
To support the company to work with Karen communities in regional areas to deliver a puppetry-based creative, cultural and professional development program.
Blackfire, $20,000
To present a regional tour following the recent release of the album Regeneration.
Blame the Shadows, $20,000
To produce I Will Grow, I Will Bear Fruit, a short documentary about new beginnings after having to flee one's own country.
Bloomshed, $9,453
To support the creative development of a new theatre work for young people based on Jane Austen's novel,Pride and Prejudice.
Bridget Balodis and Kit Lazaroo, $14,000
To support the script development for I Know This River From Somewhere, a play about climate change.
Bullet Heart Club, $20,000
To support the premiere season of The Hall, an immersive theatrical-choral event featuring female, trans and gender diverse performers and choir.
Bumpy, $20,000
To develop and release a debut album.
Cash Savage and the Last Drinks, $11,100
To support the band to embark on their ninth European tour.
Cathartic Pictures, $19,973
To support development of an interactive screen media project exploring financial abuse in Victoria.
Catherine Ryan, $6,673
To support the development and presentation ofa research-based performance lecture and video essay.
Chi Vu, $6,900
To support the development and international presentation of The Island Project, a multilingual theatre work involving an international collaboration between artists from Australia and Taiwan.
Cypher Culture on behalf of Emmy Li and Carolyn Ooi, $14,790
To develop and present two street dance performance works.
Deakin University on behalf of Lowell Hunter - Salty One, $20,000
To develop and present an installation and accompanying works focused on connection to Country and living and working on Wadawurrung Country.
Dos Hermanas Productions, $20,000
To producea dark comedy short film,The Job.
Duncan Imberger, $19,562
To support the presentation of a work created for stage, screen, and a live audience, performed by a cast of writers, artists and musicians.
ELISION Ensemble, $18,000
To deliver the ensemble’s 2024 concert series.
Eliza Shephard, $14,120
To createa choreographed theatrical music video performed by Eliza Shephard and Judith Dodsworth.
Elyas Alavi, $16,000
To support the creative development of a neon installation work to be presented at the Lahore Biennale, Pakistan.
Film Camp, $18,277
To present an accessible regional Victorian tour of Rewards For The Tribe, a documentary featuring disabled and non-disabled dancers from Restless Dance Theatre and Chunky Move as they develop a new dance work.
Fiona Choi, $20,000
To support creative development of a new solo performance work Dragon Lady, about cultural identity and belonging in Australia.
Fusion Theatre, $13,605
To present an experimental theatre project with accompanying public workshops.
Gabi Briggs, $19,880
To develop and present a choreographic work exploring the Anaiwan Skin System.
Going Down Swinging, $19,500
To support the commissioning of new collaborative works and to develop the online capability to accept open submissions.
GORMIE, Paige Clark, Hamish Mitchell and Jessie L. Warren., $11,445
To develop and undertake pre-production of the musical score for author Paige Clark's story, It's Possible, with support from composer Hamish Mitchell and multimedia artist Jessie L to develop an accompanying video reel and visual assets.
Gusher Magazine, $17,800
To support the production of the fifth print issue of Gusher, the world's only rock magazine created entirely by women and non-binary people.
HIBALL , $18,000
To develop and present a new installation work.
HTRK, $20,000
To present Psychic 9-5 Club, a multi-day interdisciplinary exhibition developed with Victorian and international creatives with a focus on the Deaf and visually impaired experience.
Isabella, $22,000
To present a series of upcycling workshops in collaboration with the Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) House.
(it's no) drama, $23,000
To develop and deliver the regional presentation of MELT, a performance work made in collaboration with local regional sound artists and designers.
Jacqueline Felstead, $10,000
To support the artist to research and develop textile works for an exhibition.
James Geurts, $20,000
To develop and present a new sculpture in the United Kingdom linked to a solo exhibition to be presented in Melbourne.
Jarracharra documentary, $20,000
To develop Jarracharra, a documentary giving audiences a behind-the-scenes look at Australia's growing First Peoples fashion industry by Leila Gurruwiwi.
Jennifer Sun Baulch, $19,631
To develop and produce Inner City, a short film.
Jennifer Tran, $19,389
To support the development and presentation of a mobile arts and craft pop-up cart alongside a series of community engagement workshops for Children's Book Week in Laverton.
JOSEPH & JAMES, $20,000
To design and develop a newJOSEPH & JAMES industry-ready fashion collection by Juanita Page.
Josephine Mead, $13,000
To develop a collaborative multi-channel video work by Angeli Benipayo, Vahideh Eisaei and Weish.
Justin Balmain, $20,000
To develop and produce a new video artwork.
Kaiit, $20,000
To develop and present a live theatrical and immersive show to support the launch of a new album.
Kath Dolheguy, $13,048
To develop Not a Rich Kid, a podcast series that celebrates the untold stories of working class creatives in Victoria by Kath Dolheguy and Frankie Kanatas.
Katie Sfetkidis, $13,000
To support the delivery of an arts research project investigating the history of activism in Geelong.
Kiilalaana Foundation on behalf of Uncle Colin Clark, $15,000
To develop and present an exhibition spanning 20 years of Uncle Colin Clark’s art practice with accompanying public workshops in painting, woodwork and knowledge sharing.
Kristen Smyth & Ben Anderson Presents, $20,000
To develop and present a re-imagining of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
L2R, $15,516
To support the delivery of an intensive creative development with young, emerging artists, resulting in a hip hop dance performance that will tour Melbourne schools and art festivals.
Le Freak, $21,656
To support the creative development of Le Freak's 2025 season, including consultation to increase accessibility at performances, such as audio descriptions and relaxed viewings.
Lina Buck, $11,089
To develop the second iteration of the cross-artform work, I am Speaking, the Language I am Speaking, including workshops, community engagement and the recording of accessible sound and video material.
Linda Kouvaras, $8,056
To present a new narrative musical piece celebrating Australian poet Gwen Harwood.
Lizzy Welsh, $13,916
To support the creative development and presentation of a new chamber work in collaboration with harpsichordist Joy Lee.
Logan Mucha, $12,785
To develop ANTI/SPACE, an interactive audio-visual exhibition.
MACE Incorporated on behalf of Gadhaba Local Aboriginal Network, $20,000
To develop and present new creative works to tell the Gadhaba story, showcasing collaborations between First Nations creatives and allies.
Maddelin McKenna, $18,512
To support the production of MAD RUSH, a short dramedy film.
Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey, $20,000
To support the creative development and presentation of two inclusive and accessible sound installation works.
Melbourne Playback Theatre Company on behalf of PlayBlak, $20,000
To support First Nations theatre ensemble PlayBlak to develop and launch new improvisational theatre works.
Melinda Cain, $16,000
To support the artist to lead workshops and knowledge sharing sessions leading up to the development and presentation of a series of banners celebrating First Nations culture and embracing NAIDOC week's theme of 'Keep The Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud'.
Michaela Pegum, $20,000
To support the creative development and presentation of a new body of sculptural objects for an exhibition by Michaela Pegum, Ian Moorhead and Bosco Shaw.
Michelle Hamer, $22,200
To support the development of a limited-edition artist book, Nobody Knows.
Milly Cooper with Luke Macaronas and Gekidan Kaitaisha, $17,727
To support the performers to co-facilitate a six-week creative lab for Japanese and international artists at the Hachioji Dock Studio in Tokyo, Japan.
Minyerra, $14,000
To develop and record a debut album.
Moira Finucane, $18,800
To support the presentation of a suite of works internationally and across Victoria in collaboration with museums, artists, scientists and leaders.
Monash University on behalf of Climate Aware Creative Practices Network, $19,956
To present a large-scale sculptural work and accompanying creative events program.
Monash University on behalf of Frances Barrett, $20,000
To support the creative development of an experimental sound artwork.
Music in Exile, $20,000
To support the record label to launch a careers pathways and skills development program assisting culturally and linguistically diverse artists in Victoria.
Na Djinang Circus, $20,000
To develop a new circus work showcasing First Nations performance and storytelling.
Nadia Hernandez, $16,000
To support participation in professional development and residency programs in Norway and Indonesia, leading to the development of new works for an upcoming exhibition.
Natasha Anderson, $16,000
To create and present a large-scale electroacoustic work in collaboration with Castlemaine community string orchestra Resonance, accompanied by workshops and talks.
Naveed Farro, $20,000
To present two new works, focused on Iranian cultural heritage, featuring virtual reality and sculpture.
Never Too Small, $20,000
To develop and launch Issue 2 of Smaller Magazine, a quarterly print magazine focusing on sustainability and design.
Nicholas Clark Management, $20,000
To support Slap. Bang. Kiss., a play that celebrates young people’s activism, to tour across the state in 2024 along with community, teacher and student workshops.
Nicolas Cage Fighter, $10,000
To support the heavy metal act on an international tour to the United States and support the development of promotional material in support of a forthcoming album release.
OFFICE in collaboration with Jack Mitchell, $20,000
To develop and present Reimagining Birrarung, a video work and accompanying publication.
One Fell Swoop Circus, $20,000
To support a tour to British Columbia, Canada.
Other Matter, $20,000
To support the development of a sustainable, algae-based alternative to traditional vinyl decal products, enabling a circular lifecycle and advancing sustainable design industry practices.
Performing Lines on behalf of Vidya Rajan, $23,000
To present an interactive performance, Crisis Actor.
Petra Gemeinboeck, $20,000
To support the launch of a cross-disciplinary performance involving dancers, a robot, and an evolving soundscape at the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) in Brisbane.
Ren Milera, $14,400
To develop BLAKcurrant, a new dance work.
Richard Collopy, $20,000
To support the development and presentation of digital stories, a children’s book, and an exhibition to preserve and promote Richard Collopy's work across traditional Landscapes as a Kirrae-Gadubanud- Gulidjan Traditional Custodian.
RMIT on behalf of Joel Stern, $15,000
To support an experimental performance program and artist commissions project exploring art, technology, ecology, and justice.
Robin Boyd Foundation, $10,484
To develop and exhibit a creative design solution for a supply of timber felled from a fallen heritage-listed Monterey Pine, in collaboration with furniture maker and designer Alexsandra Pontonio.
Rosalind Crisp / Omeo Dance, $19,976
To develop a retrospective live performance installation.
Sea Bubs, $20,000
To develop a new range of eco-friendly baby and child swimwear featuring First Nations artist designs.
Sonia Leber and David Chesworth, $20,000
To develop Shapes of Listening, a video, sound art and music installation.
Speak Percussion on behalf of Aaron Wyatt, $20,000
To present a work for viola and percussion with accompanying installation to be performed by Aairon Wyatt and Eugene Ughetti.
To support the creative development of a series of new works and performances by electroacoustic ensemble Golden Sands Orchestra with mentoring with lead composer Ros Bandt.
Stella, $20,000
To present Stella Day Out, a free one-day mini literary festival that promotes and celebrates the work of women and non-binary writers.
Story Box Library, $18,500
To support the creation of 18 Auslan translations of children's books, including filming, editing and releasing videos on their online platform, to be freely accessible through public libraries and schools.
Sunfruits, $16,337
To support the development and production of the album, It's Not Just You.
The Boite, $20,000
To support a metropolitan and regional tour of Maiem - Songs of the Torres Strait,a project that shares the music and culture of the Torres Strait Islands, in collaboration with Deb Lowah Clark and Luke Captain.
The Cloud Maker, $20,000
To support the improvised music ensemble to release a debut album including developing a live performance work and film clip.
The Parallel Effect, $20,000
To support the creation of a podcast series The People Who Have Been To Other Worlds.
The Sonicrats, $18,000
To support the creative development of Conduits, a 40-minute song cycle inspired by the poems of Melinda Smith, a dancer, poet, painter and musician living with Cerebral Palsy.
The Village Festival of New Performance Incorporated on behalf of Come Close and Listen, $17,660
To design and develop an immersive, interactive multi-day theatrical experience for the local and national Live Action Role Playing (LARP) community.
Trace Balla, $20,000
To support the creative development of a graphic novel memoir.
Trocadero Projects, $20,000
To present a mentorship program for emerging artists in Victoria.
University of Melbourne on behalf of Project-toria exhibition & book design team, $20,000
To support the development of an exhibition and book showcasing design and exploring the challenges of climate, technological and societal change.
Vijay Thillaimuthu, $8,919
To develop an audio-visual work using video, laser projections and sound, to be presented at the International Symposium of Electronic Arts, and then recorded and edited for online presentation.
Vivien Anderson Gallery on behalf of Hayley Millar Baker, $20,000
To develop and produce a new film exploring female magic and spirituality.
Wantok Musik on behalf of Charles Maimrosia, $11,050
To support Charles Maimarosia to record his second album and create accompanying music videos.
Western Port Writes, $10,000
To present the Western Port Writes Literary Festival, a community-based literary festival celebrating the talent on the Western Port side of the Mornington Peninsula.
William Duan, $20,000
To develop and produce [the space between space] a multimedia sci-fi short film.
Xani, $5,310
To support musician Xani to undertake a three-week live music residency at JazzLab.
2022 recipients
(it's no) drama, $23,000
For Gippsland-based inclusive theatre ensemble (it's no) drama to develop and present NO SUDDEN MOVES, a dance theatre and multi-media work in partnership with local artists working in film projection, costume design, sound composition and cinematography.
A Daylight Connection, $20,000
To develop A NIGHTTIME TRAVESTY, an absurdist, variety-night, carnival extravaganza to be presented as part of a festival.
Adena Jacobs, Aaron Orzech, Kate Blackmore, Kelly Ryall and the 11 performers from The Bacchae, $20,000
To support the final development of Flames Danced In Their Hair But Did Not Burn Them, a multi-screen video installation about wildness, transgression and body politics.
Ahmarnya Price, $23,000
To support the creative development of The Splendid Anomaly, a live performance exploring the ways living species adapt to change and perceived limitations.
Alternative Facts Pty Ltd, $20,000
To develop and produce SINCERE APOLOGIES, a performance that will flip the audience/performer paradigm with artists David Williams, Roslyn Oades, Jamie Lewis and Dan Koop using speakers, phones and more to direct the audience.
Amelia Jean O'Leary, $10,000
To develop and present A Certain Mumble, a multicultural dance work revealing truths and stories of what it feels like to be an outsider in Australia, particularly as women from diverse backgrounds, by Gamilaroi dance artist Amelia O'Leary in collaboration with Chinese Malaysian dance artist Janelle Tan.
Andy Butler, $20,000
To develop a moving image commission by Prototype, working with actors to recreate scenes from ethnographic and romance films referenced in the National Library of Australia’s archives on the Philippines, by artist Andy Butler with creative producer Kin Francis and creative and technical crew.
Angie Pai, $16,100
To develop and produce two multi-artform solo shows spanning large scale sculptures, enamel paintings on paper and film, along with catalogues, public programs and facilitated artist floor talks at ACAE gallery and Vermilion Art Gallery.
Anthony Dennison , $15,000
To develop Abuse Does Not Define You, a memoir by Elder Anthony Denniso exploring his own experiences of abuse and structural racism, and asserting that experiences of trauma need not define anyone.
Art Programme, $18,200
To support Victorian artists Steven Rhall (First Nations) and Naomi Eller to work at Bundanon Art Museum on Wodi Wodi and Yuin country (Nowra, NSW) on a project that will explore the work of landscape artist Robert Smithson and use it as a provocation for new, decolonised works.
Black Hole Theatre, $20,000
To develop WHO WE ARE, an artwork using puppetry, robotics, and projections exploring the dynamics and complexity of the Vietnamese diaspora in Australia, directed and written by Bao Ngouansavanh in collaboration with Black Hole Theatre, Nancy Black and Philip Millar.
Blame the Shadows, $20,000
To develop and present The Place I Carry Within, a multi-disciplinary, immersive VR installation drawing together intimate memories of distant personal landscapes from multi-generational Iranian-Australian diaspora communities, by Blame the Shadows in collaboration with Sarah Hopper, Renee McMillan and Casey Hartnett.
Bogong Centre for Sound Culture [B–CSC], $19,491
To present Between Two Sites, an exhibition bringing together contemporary art and local stories to explore the environmental issues affecting the Alpine Shire and Yarra Ranges. Support will also enable public programs, online artist talks, mentorship for curators by Daniella Ruffino, a weaving workshop and sound walk.
Brook Andrew, $18,920
For the Wiradjuri artist to present a series of new live performances that place First Peoples knowledge, practice and cultural authority centre stage for an international audience.
Bureau of Works auspicing Michele Lee, $20,000
To present new multimedia and theatre work How do I let you die?, by Michele Lee and collaborators.
CAKE Collective, $20,564
To develop a Disability Action Plan, that will encompass accessibility practices on and off stage for disabled and neurodivergent artists and audiences.
Centre for Projection Art, $20,000
To present Body - cites, a projection-based program of installations, exhibitions and artist discussions.
Chido Mwaturura, $17,000
To develop Adult-erers, a micro comedy mock-reality web series about a pair of professionals solving the problems of 'adulting' in young adult's lives.
Christie Nieman, $7,1600
To develop a new work of literary fiction.
Chunky Boy, $23,000
To develop new yarn dyeing techniques and to undertake market research to reduce production timelines and expand into international markets.
For a UK tour of of two works, Werk It and Brass Monkeys.
Composite: Moving Image Agency & Media Bank, $6,500
To present a program of solo exhibitions, curated screening seasons and community events, collaborating with more than 30 artists, curators, and guest speakers.
Connection Arts Space, $17,800
To present a community-led event including exhibitions, live performances, spoken word, market stalls and a dance workshop.
Critical Fashion Studies, $10,000
To produce season two of the Critical Fashion Studies podcast, where host Dr Harriette Richards interviews artists, activists, curators and representatives from the Victorian fashion industry.
Cubby Art Party, $23,000
To present Spoken Word at Murmur Library, a series of fortnightly spoken word open mic nights that will be AUSLAN interpreted and wheelchair accessible.
Dancehall, $12,000
To develop a new multi-site dance work that explores the theme of place and focuses on the significance of small halls in regional communities. A collaboration between artists Dr Tracie Mitchell, Samara Cunningham, Jessica Murray and Jasmine Sucic.
To develop and present NED KYLIE, a physical theatre performance and cabaret work exploring Aussie icons, masculinity and its toxic implications.
Dardi Munwurro, $20,000
To develop and present a large scale artwork mural in the Aunty Alma Thorpe Gathering Place by local First Nations artists in consultation with the Dardi Munwurro Community.
Dave Arden and Arika Walau, $20,000
To develop a digital work telling the story of Gunditjmara man James Arden through a combination of technology, visual arts, design, music and voice.
David Bridie, $15,000
To develop a new installation work featuring multi-screen projections and immersive soundscape using recorded natural sounds from Antarctica melded with composed music, spoken word pieces and the insights of scientists. Created by David Bridie in collaboration with Keith Deverell.
Dr Kirsten Lyttle, $20,000
To develop new visual art/craft works that combine Māori weaving techniques with photography.
Duré Dara, $20,000
To present PCD (Percussion, Conversation, Degustation), a series of experimental performances that are part concert, part conversation and part degustation.
ELISION ensemble, $18,526
To present ELISION ensemble's 2023 concert series.
Eliza Hull, $18,000
For musician and disability advocate Eliza Hull to present an international workshop on music accessibility and inclusion and to undertake knowledge exchange with international organisations.
Embraced Inc., $20,000
To present Residence: Transcription, a professional development program where emerging artists will undertake residencies in an aged care facility and collaborate with residents.
Emily Floyd, $20,000
To develop Memorial to the 8 Hour Day, a sculptural monument celebrating women unionists of Narrm/Melbourne.
Frenzy Theatre Co, $18,568
To present The World According to Dinosaurs, a theatre work about the end of the world developed with young adults for young adults.
Gender Euphoria Ensemble, $20,000
To develop and present Mighty Real, a variety style show showcasing Trans experience, identity and excellence, by the Gender Euphoria ensemble in partnership with Arts Centre Melbourne, Mama Alto and Maude Davey.
Gillian Kline - Freestone Press, $19,000
To deliver several professional development programs including mentorships, an artist-in-residency program, an exhibition and workshops for a festival.
Glom Press, $20,000
To commission and produce works from Victorian creators ranging from graphic novels, to comics and zine-makers, distributed through a subscription service.
Going Down Swinging, $18,250
To present, a year-long series of online collaborations by poets and artists culminating in a live launch. The program will also support an internship for an emerging editor.
Hannah Reekie, $18,000
To develop Kafka's The Metamorphosis: A Disabled Retelling, a stage production reflecting on the experience of deformity and bodily difference, and the experiences of disability in our society.
Haus of Dizzy, $20,000
To develop and launch a children's apparel range with Indigenous Pride at the core of their contemporary designs.
Hayley Singer, $20,000
To develop a new collection of essays spanning literary criticism and creative non-fiction.
Hellenic Museum, $20,000
To present ICON, an immersive installation that will bring together art and science to reflect on the nature of history, remembrance and cultural memory by science-art collective Skunk Control.
Ian Strange Studio and OFFICE, $20,000
To present PROJECT HOME, a project that will turn an empty house into a public art experience with an accompanying program of public events and record an accessible digital archive, interrogating and reflecting on the notion of 'home'.
İbrahim Halaçoğlu, $20,000
To develop Where My Accent Comes From, a solo performance blending fiction and drama including creation of new music and digital elements.
Incognita Enterprises, $23,000
To develop Dark Arcadia, a short film featuring Deaf and Disabled actors working alongside non Deaf and Disabled actors all performing various Shakespeare texts.
Irene Holub, $23,000
To develop LOVE - Laws of Diversity (Desire), a series of five short films about diversity, love and loss in the Deaf community, directed by Irene Holub and filmed by Ramas McRae.
Isobel Morphy-Walsh, $19,500
To develop Gunga-na Dhum-nganjinu (The Stories we Hold Tightly) - In Action, a live performance weaving of song, story and movement, looking at the creation stories and myths that make us who we are.
James Wright, $10,000
To develop Enclosure, a multi-channel moving image artwork filming across various Victorian locations to explore loss of biodiversity.
Jenny Hedley, $19,500
To develop a new memoir which analyses Jenny Hedley’s late mother’s literary archives.
Jessica Au, $20,000
To develop a new work of literary fiction that reflects on odyssey, art, class and exile.
JESWRI, $17,500
To develop and present visual arts and film exploring mental health, cultural identity, family history and inter-generational trauma, woven into his identity as a Gadigal man.
Jill Stevenson, $8,900
To develop sculptural and functional objects for an immersive exhibition.
John Harding, $20,000
To develop Tick the Box, a First Nations led play combining satire, musical performance, melancholy and a love story.
Jolyon James, $20,000
To support the creative development of Imagine, a translation of Alison Lester's illustrations into a live interactive musical and digital puppetry performance for children, by Jolyon James with composer Nate Gilkes.
Jonathan Homsey, $16,692
To present Shower Thots, a dance performance combining elements of installation, comedy and participation.
Josie Alexandra, $12,237
To develop their poetry and to commission writer Manisha Anjali to review and edit.
Katrina Mathers, Cherry Hands Media, $20,000
To produce and distribute Mr Chicken Goes to Mars, a short animated children's film following the adventures of the popular book character as he decides to visit Mars, by author/illustrator Leigh Hobbs in collaboration with filmmaker Katrina Mathers.
Kill Your Darlings Pty Ltd, $16,962
To present Kill Your Darlings magazine's New Critics Program, involving the development and publishing of feature pieces from two emerging literary critics mentored by Cher Tan, and programming several events that discuss the function, form and future of Australian literary criticism.
Kitan Petkovski, $20,000
To present the Australasian premiere of Travis Alabanza's BURGERZ, a theatre work that reflects on acts of violence towards transgender communities.
Koraly Dimitriadis, $23,000
To develop Not Till You're Married, a creative non-fiction book about how a strict religious migrant upbringing manifests in adulthood.
Leilani Fuimaono, $23,000
To develop a series of photographic works of Pasifika, Black and Indigenous people in Victoria living with chronic illness(es) and disability.
Lizzy Welsh and Biddy Connor, $14,000
To compose and develop Light Burst, an album-length work featuring rarely heard acoustic instruments and electronics, in collaboration with Alexander Garsden.
Louise Cooper, $23,000
To develop P.L.A.C.E, a digital game featuring augmented reality artworks and stories representing Victoria's cultural identity.
Louise Marson, $18,483
To develop Corporeal Relics, an outdoor installation that will provide a platform for Deaf and Disabled artists.
Louise Meuwissen, $12,962
To develop and present Of Earth and Ether (Flowers never bend), a solo exhibition of ambitious new works and a series of public programs.
Luce Nguyễn-Hunt, $7,000
To support the creative development and presentation of things I can't say/những điều tôi không thể nói, a neon artwork to be exhibited at a gallery in Queensland.
Lz Dunn, $20,000
To develop Flight Dreams, a movement and sound project created by Lz Dunn in collaboration with Zoe Scoglio, &SO, and the Mount Alexander Women's Sports Club.
Marcus Ian McKenzie, $20,000
To present The Crying Room: Exhumed, a live performance based on a digital work that uses multiple spaces and technological elements.
Maurial Spearim, $20,000
To develop and present Inside Out, a play about four First Nations women who live together, each facing obstacles of life, love and work while battling racism head on and tearing down systemic barriers.
Melbourne Fashion Hub, $15,000
To present a pop-up retail event showcasing the work of emerging artists who focus on responsible and ethical design, supporting them to launch and sell their work directly to the public.
Melbourne Jazz Co-operative, $20,000
To present a concert premiering works by Victorian composers, filmed and recorded for broadcast.
Millenium Art & Design, $20,000
To produce and present a weekend fashion event including a pop-up shop, parade and public events.
Mackey, Darling & Collaborators, $20,000
To present the premier season of The Exact Dimensions of Hell, a play drawing on performance and sound art, by Mackey, Darling & Collaborators.
Mitch Jones, $20,000
To support the final creative development of The Aesthetics of Evil, an ensemble work with influences from circus and contemporary dance.
Music in Exile, $17,845
To present the release and marketing campaign for Mohamad Camara's debut album Duniama.
Nabilah Nordin, $20,000
To produce and present Corinthian Clump, three large scale sculptures for display at the Art Gallery of New South Wales.
Nana Bilus Abaffy, $19,000
To develop and present A Bestiary of Unimaginable Animals, a new experimental dance and visual art work, by Nana Biluš Abaffy alongside long term collaborators Geoffrey Watson and Milo Love.
Naomi Ball, $19,360
To present a series of sensory-friendly community screenings of Who I Am a heartfelt coming-of-age documentary exploring the intersection of trans and autistic identities, alongside the creation of a discussion guide and a set of short videos diving deeper into the film's themes.
Nguyet Sang Louis Dai, $20,000
To develop How to Build a Nation, a documentary investigating the contribution of migrants to Victoria based on a photo series.
one step at a time like this, $20,000
To present a new performance Noir Trail, where the audience will tune into a live radio broadcast and walk through the streets, buildings and open spaces of Newport.
Palace Of Magnificent Experiences - POME, $23,000
To present the Alt LIFE Artist Showcase, showcasing the extraordinary talent of artists with a lived experience of disability working in the realm of alternative-cabaret, by Bernie Clifford at Palace Of Magnificent Experiences (POME).
Miranda Middleton, $19,880
To present Pear-Shaped, a semi-autobiographical play about body dysmorphia and disorded eating which blends narrative drama, puppetry and music.
Pia Johnson, $20,000
To develop Re-Orient, a photographic project and exhibition investigating and reframing notions of transcultural identity, migration and mobilities.
Rebecca McCauley, Aaron Claringbold, Jack Mitchell, Eliki Reade, $18,150
To develop a large scale sound work exploring the ways we can relate to the world and animals around us.
Rory Godbold, $20,000
To present Code of Conduct, a thought-provoking drama about workplace discrimination, queer solidarity and intergenerational responsibility, by Rory Godbold in collaboration with Mark Wilson.
Saluhan Collective, $20,000
To develop Pagbasa, a a series of Filipinx texts, videos, art and objects alongside a program of roundtable discussions and artist-led workshops.
Santilla Chingaipe, $13,800
To develop Afrofutures, a multi-channel film exploring the past, present and future of people of African descent in Australia.
Sarah Austin, $20,000
To present Make Some Space, a professional development program for 15-25 year olds, aiming to foster the next generation of diverse arts leaders, run by Sarah Austin and Performing Lines Victoria in partnership with The Bowery Theatre.
Shanaya Sheridan and Justine Berg, $20,000
To develop and present JXSH MVIR * Forever I Live, a retrospective exhibition on the late Josh Muir (Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta, Barkindji) in collaboration with Koorie Heritage Trust.
Simon and Bon creative collaborators for positive change, $22,500
To develop audio-visual materials based on interviews with Victorian artists from diverse backgrounds, by filmmaker Simon Rose and artist Dr Bon Mott.
Slow Art Collective, $19,600
To develop and present Pavilion 2023, a free, accessible and participatory event where children and their families and carers will collaborate with artists to create large scale multi-artform installations.
Sofie Dieu, $14,889
To develop and present Sacred Plants, Our Ancestors' Legacy, a textile sculpture and zine making project for culturally diverse women in partnership with Multicultural Women Victoria.
Solid Ochre, $20,000
For Whadjuk Noongar man Nathan McGuire to produce and launch his first collection under the label Solid Ochre.
Sophie Smyth, $20,000
To develop a new musical, with mentorship from writer Fiona Scott-Norman.
South Indian Rhythms and Ragas, $7,800
To produce and present South Indian Rhythms and Ragas Vol 1, an album recorded at a ten-person recital performance, by InConcert Music.
Sunny Kim, $10,000
To develop Mothertongue, Motherland, a new body of music based on true family stories of motherhood and immigration bringing together five Victorian female musicians of multicultural backgrounds.
The Space Company, $20,000
To present the premiere season of The Blow-Ins, an original Australian theatre show based on a true story that holds a powerful climate change message, created by Joel Carnegie and writer James Jackson.
The Waiting Room Arts Company, $23,000
To support the final development of Murder She Dictated, a tragi-comedy murder mystery theatre show by Jess Kapuscinski Evans, Milly Cooper, Sarah Houbolt and The Waiting Room Arts Company.
Threshold, $20,000
To develop a hybrid interactive performance and to create a sustainable touring model, by Threshold in partnership with Marita Davies and the Victorian Kiribati association.
Typecast, $20,000
To develop a limited-edition Aboriginal fairy pop-up book for children, written by Tony Briggs, illustrated by Charlotte Allingham and published by Typecast.
Victorian Aboriginal News, $20,000
To develop The Treaty Tapes, a suite of audio-visual documentaries focusing on Victorian Treaty work to provide a clear understanding of the specifics of Treaty/ies between Victorian First Peoples and Government.
Vidya Rajan, $20,000
To produce and present Crocodiles, a play exploring the experiences of immigrant workers in the aged care sector, written by Vidya Rajan and produced by theatre company Elbow Room.
We Are Untold, $20,000
To develop Women Of Gold, a project that uses art, film and podcasts to tell untold stories of women in the community of Greater Bendigo.
Yandell Walton & Harrison Hall, $19,095
To develop Ecological Adaptation, an multi artform installation life, exploring the relationship between human, nature and technology.
Yasbelle Kerkow, $19,570
To develop and present the Papuan Elders Project, an audio-visual installation exhibition featuring intergenerational interviews between Papuan Elders and Young People, curated by Yasbelle Kerkow and Cyndi Makabory.
Yum Studio, $20,000
To present Come Home, a series of screenings investigating language as belonging and to launch Precious Fragments, a series of films exploring leaving, missing and seeking ‘home’ in three languages: Wadawurrung, Gaeilge and English, by Yum Studio.